Student Aid and Education Planning


Student aid and education planning

Plan for an education, save, budget and explore student aid and career options.

Student aid

Canada student loans, grants, scholarships and other aid.

Lifelong Learning Plan

Withdraw funds from your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) to finance training or education.

Support for apprentices

Earn while you learn as an apprentice in the skilled trades.

Budget for your education

Budgeting for student life, saving early and paying off student debt.

Education requirements by career

Explore wages, outlooks, and education you need for top occupations.

Education savings

Benefits that contribute to a child’s Registered Education Savings Plan to save for their post-secondary education or apprenticeship training.

High school diploma

Get your high school diploma or a GED equivalent.

Find programs and schools

Information on training you need to reach your goals.

International students

Apply to study in Canada and extend your study permit.

Study abroad

Information for anyone planning to study or pursue a research project in a foreign country.

New immigrants

Education ministries, types of schools, classrooms, registering your children, adjusting to school, getting involved, adult education and post-secondary schools.

Partner organizations

List of experts in the areas of learning, career planning and financial planning in Canada.

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