Member’s Statement – 2022.05.19 – Ukraine and Food Insecurity


Members’ Statement
May 19, 2022

Mr. Len Webber (Calgary Confederation, CPC): Mr. Speaker, abroad, drought, conflict and war leave millions hungry every day.  Much of this suffering is completely avoidable.

My daughter is currently working in Ukraine with the United Nations World Food Programme. They do wonders, under the most dangerous conditions, just to help people in need their next meal.


Since the war in Ukraine, they have fed 3.7 million people there alone.


Millions in Ukraine and around the world will go hungry this year because of Putin’s war.


Russia’s war, waged by a megalomaniac leader, will drive up food costs around the globe.  


Already we are seeing the effects and it will get much worse later this year with the first missed crops.


Quashing the Russian war machine is the fastest and quickest way we can help to reduce the number of hungry around the world.


Let’s do our part to reduce world hunger.

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