Question Period – 2017.05.12 – Lyme Disease

May 12 2017

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Mr. Len Webber (Calgary Confederation, CPC):

Mr. Speaker, the minister also refuses to say how much money will be used to fight Lyme disease.

Lyme disease is on the rise in Canada and Canadians suffering from this debilitating illness need treatment and care and they need it now. The Liberals claim to be spending money on an action plan but have not actually budgeted to do anything. No money means no action.

Could the minister tell us exactly how much new money is going to be spent on Lyme disease this year?

Mr. Joël Lightbound (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, as I have mentioned, our government recognizes fully the impact that Lyme disease has on Canadians and their families.

We held a conference where 500 individuals discussed a potential framework for Lyme disease. The final framework will be submitted after we have received over 350 individual or collective submissions. I can assure members of the House that the Public Health Agency of Canada will be carefully considering these perspectives as we move forward on the Lyme disease framework.

I look forward to working with the member on this issue.

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